LUVA-Natural Resources

LUVA – Natural Resources is the umbrella organization for experts in the sectors of natural resources in Finland. Member organizations of Luva are the Association of Agrologists, METO-Forestry Experts’ Association and the Independent Entrepreneurs in Forestry Services

The goals of Luva

  • Guarding the economic interests and other interests of the members
  • Promoting the sector’s operating conditions and the business opportunities
  • Offering  excellent service and good membership benefits to all the members
  • Building a good environment for cooperation in the sector of natural resources  and a sense of community


There are 12000 experts in the member organisations of Luva. They work in the natural resources sector as planners, advisers, leaders, teachers, researchers, experts, having different tasks related to the nature- and environmental sector, agriculture and management of agriculture and in the businesses of agriculture and forestry, as managers and as independent entrepreneurs. The student organizations in the natural resources sector can also be members of Luva.